There is no perfect, one-size-fits-all dose of CBD. The dosage of CBD oil varies depending on individual factors such as body weight, the method of CBD delivery, and the symptoms experienced by the person. For example, high doses of CBD (up to 600 mg per day) are more effective in epilepsy, while lower doses are used to reduce anxiety. It is generally recommended to start with a low dose (eg 20-40 mg per day) and gradually increase as needed.

The easiest way to correctly calculate the dose of CBD is to use CBD oil, which is sold with a pipette. A pipette will allow you to control the amount of drops. To use CBD oil properly, place the desired dose under the tongue, hold for 30-60 seconds, then swallow. Avoid taking with food or drink to maximize absorption of the oil into the bloodstream.
Research shows that getting the right dose of cannabidiol is relatively easy. If you take too little of a dose, you will only experience mild relief. If the dose is higher, then the effect will be stronger, but you will not face any negative consequences other than the fact that you will want to fall asleep faster.
To ensure quality product consumption, we publish several dosage measurements so that you can choose the amount of CBD according to your needs.